Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sorry, I Have a Dog Show

I absolutely love my life.  Sure there are some bumpy parts in the road, as like everyone else.  But my parents are overall supportive of my dog things, I have the most awesome friends, my dogs are happy & healthy, I'm gaining confidence in myself everyday...  Can't get much better, right? (Okay maybe a battery would be nice.. LOL!)

I don't have many close friends at school.  I am very shy and don't talk to many people (I will tell you though that I am definitely coming out of my shell... 2 months left of senior year though!)  My closest friends are people at agility trials.  For the first time in my life I feel like I belong somewhere and because of that I actually like who I am.  It really sucks though that I only get to see them on the weekends, and that's if I'm trialing that weekend.

Spending New Years with the coven in St. Louis :)

I really do spend a lot of time with them though.. Maybe too much.  Next weekend is Easter weekend.  Most 18 year olds are going to be with their family and enjoy their time together.  Not me.  I'll be at a dog show.  I might not be with my real family but I'll be with my agility family.  But that got me thinking, I've been spending a lot of holidays with my agility family this past year.  Thanksgiving, New Years, Easter.. hell I was even going to go to my instructors house to play some agility on Christmas!  (that's where my mom drew the line and said no)

Spending Easter with Tim and Loretta next week.

Graduation is coming up soon.  Time to step into the real world.  Well, almost.  After college will be the offical "real world"  Is it bad if I want to move more east so I can be closer to my dog friends??  Is it bad if I'm looking at colleges, not to see how far away I'll be from home but if I can still be able to take classes?  My proirities are a little messed up.. Well I think they're perfect actually :)


  1. Emily, you have a whole life ahead of you and you are capable of just about anything. If you are open to a peice of advice from someone who detoured from her love of dogs most of her life, don't waste your love of dogs on what if's, go in head first. There are many many incredible people to learn from. Some are even your agility friends. There are some brilliant minds in the college world,as well. I am partial to Patricia McConnell & Temple Grandin. If I were sitting where you are right now, I'd be soaking up anything they have to offer. They are unique in what they have to offer but both want to encourage minds to grow. I wish you the best in your future and I hope to see you have been challenged through college as well as found that your dog love can be the start of a big and bright future. May God bless you.
    Tracey Kent

  2. Every move you make is a step towards something new. When I moved from Missouri, where I spent the first 24 years of my life, to Minnesota, I felt as if I had left everything agility, my herding etc etc. that I look back on it. Leaving Missouri, in relation to agility at a minimum, has been the best thing for me. It helped me become a better handler and trainer.'s hard, and the unknown can be scary, is a LOT of fun :) Enjoy it!!!!
